HC Deb 19 June 1911 vol 27 cc20-2

asked whether the contributions stated in Table T, page 23, of the Report of the Government actuaries represent the full annual contributions for the seven-ninths of the benefits chargeable against employed and employer in the case of a contributor who pays for fifty-two weeks without a break; and what is the annual average contribution so paid allowing for non-payment by the contributor during sickness or unemployment?


The contributions referred to are those which must be paid in respect of the portion of the year for which contributions are due under the Bill, not for the whole fifty-two weeks without a break.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say what portion of the year?


I am afraid I must ask for notice of that question.


asked (1) whether, in arriving at the contributions applicable to age sixteen, stated in Tables S and T, page 23, of the Report of the Government actuaries, any abatement has been made from the full tabular value of the liabilities by reason of the fact that no sick benefit will be allowable in case of sickness during the first six months after entry into insurance and no disablement benefit in respect of disablement during the first two years after entry into insurance; (2) whether, in arriving at the contributions for a person aged sixteen, in Tables S and T, page 23, of the Report of the Government actuaries, any abatement has been made from the full tabular value of the liabilities by reason of the fact that under Clause 8, Sub-section (7), paragraph (d), of the Bill no sick benefit will be allowable in respect of sickness which began during the first six months after entry into insurance or disablement benefit in respect of disablement which began during the first two years after entry into insurance; if any such abatement has been made, will he obtain from the Government actuaries a supplementary report stating on what data the same is based; (3) whether, in arriving at the contributions applicable to age sixteen, as stated in Tables S and T, page 23, of the Report of the Government actuaries, any abatement has been made from the full tabular value of the liabilities by reason of the fact that no sickness benefit or disablement benefits will be paid for any period during which the insured person is provided with board and lodging by his employer; if any such abatement has been made, will he obtain from the Government actuaries a supplementary report stating on what data the same is based; and (4) whether, in framing the estimates exhibited in Table V. of the Report, pages 25 and 26, the Government actuaries have made any specific allowance for the non-payment of benefits in the cases dealt with by Clause 8, Section 7, Sub-sections (d) and (e) of the Bill, or whether the amount saved under these sub-sections has been regarded by the Government actuaries as a margin of indefinite value.


The actuarial calculations were based on the precise conditions for the receipt of benefit which are set out in the Bill. The extent of the margin is stated on page 23 of the report. I cannot promise to ask for any further calculations from the actuaries until I have ascertained from them whether the materials available are such as to make the calculations asked for of substantial utility.