HC Deb 17 July 1911 vol 28 c668

asked the Home Secretary whether he was aware that magistrates at Derby quarter sessions recently sentenced a labourer, Charles Edward Lee, under the Vagrancy Act to receive twelve strokes with the birch in addition to six months' imprisonment; whether that sentence has been carried out; whether his sanction was first obtained; and whether he has received a memorial from the Humanitarian League urging that the Vagrancy Act should be repealed so far as it gives such power to magistrates at quarter sessions?


I had not heard of this case until I saw my hon. Friend's question. I find on inquiry that the prisoner was sentenced as stated for the offence of indecently exposing himself with intent to insult females on the highway. He did not exercise his right of appealing to the Court of Criminal Appeal against his sentence, and it has been carried out. My sanction is not required for carrying out the sentence of a court of law. I have received the memorial referred to in the question.


Does the right hon. Gentleman not think that it calls for a repeal of the Vagrancy Acts when we have brutalising conditions like these?


I cannot admit that.