HC Deb 17 July 1911 vol 28 cc688-9

asked the Under-Secretary for War why adjutants of the Territorial Forces appointed previous to July, 1910, do not receive the 2s. 6d. extra pay a day which by an Army order is to be paid to adjutants appointed after July, 1910; whether he is aware that the case for the extra pay for adjutants appointed previous to July, 1910, is stronger than it is for those appointed after that date; and whether he will take steps to remove the grievance under which these ante-1910 adjutants suffer by paying the 2s. 6d. a day extra to all adjutants of the Territorial Forces whether appointed previous to or after July, 1910?

Colonel SEELY

As regards the first part of the question I would refer the hon. Member to replies given to the hon. and gallant Member for Bodmin on the 16th and 28th February. The reply to the remainder of the question is in the negative.


Is it the intention of the War Office that seniors should receive lower pay than juniors, especially taking into consideration that seniors have had to furnish themselves with certain certificates?

Colonel SEELY

The whole matter was very fully considered, and I am afraid that I cannot undertake that it should be reopened now.


asked whether the date from 6th to 20th August, fixed for the Territorial Force training, has, after full consideration of all circumstances, been selected as the most suitable for the employers and employed; whether the Under- Secretary for War is aware that, at any rate for the agricultural industry, that date is the most unsuitable for both employers and employed, seeing that it is in the middle of harvesting operations, when as regards employers they require as many hands as they can get, and as regards employed it is just the time when they can earn the highest wages; and, if so, whether he will reconsider these dates?

Colonel SEELY

No dates are fixed for the training of the Territorial Force as a whole. The dates for each unit are fixed by the General Officer Commanding in Chief concerned in accordance with the recommendations they receive from the officers commanding divisions, brigades, battalions, and other units. The dates are always fixed to suit local convenience as far as other considerations render this possible.