HC Deb 17 July 1911 vol 28 cc683-5

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he is aware that a number of tenants, living on very small holdings on the Bagot estate, Ballyturin, Gort, applied for holdings elsewhere to Congested Districts Board, but were informed that their claims would be considered when their own estate, Bagot, came to be dealt with; and, having regard to the amount of untenanted land to be found on the estate, will the Congested Districts Board take steps to acquire this untenanted land to enlarge the holdings of the congested tenants on the estate?


The Congested Districts Board informs me that no applications were received by them from tenants of holdings on the Bagot estate, Ballyturin, Gort, for holdings elsewhere, nor were any tenants on this estate informed by the Board that their claims would be considered when the Bagot estate was purchased. The Bagot estate has not been offered for sale to the Board.


asked the Chief Secretary whether the Congested Districts Board are at present operating in the district of Derrybrien, Gort; whether the Bagot estate, Ballyturin, Gort, runs practically into Derrybrien; and having regard to the state of congestion, flooding, and rundale which exists in the two areas, will he represent to the Congested Districts Board the desirability of including the Bagot estate in any scheme prepared for the settlement of the district?


The Congested Districts Board are at present dealing with the Congested townland of Derrybrien. There is no untenanted land for the relief of congestion upon it or adjoining estates. The Bagot estate has not been offered for sale to the Board and they have not taken any special steps to purchase it.


asked what estates in county Limerick, where untenanted land is situated, have been offered for sale to the Estates Commissioners; and what is the area of such lands as have been offered, and the owner of same?


The Estates Commissioners have acquired 6,076 acres of untenanted land in the county Limerick up to the 31st March last, and in addition the Commissioners are in negotiation for the purchase of some 2,500 acres of untenanted land in that county. Detailed particulars of all estates and untenanted land sold and vested in purchasers are given in the Monthly Return of Advances presented to Parliament.


asked whether any communications have passed between the Estates Commissioners and Mr. Gubbins, of Kilfrush, Knocklong, county Limerick, with a view to the purchase of a portion of the untenanted lands on the hands of the latter gentleman; and, if so, will it be made known to what extent negotiations have been carried on?


Proceedings have been instituted by Mr. Gubbins of Kilfrush and Knocklong, county Limerick, and others, for the sale of their estate direct to the tenants under the Irish Land Act, 1903. The estate does not include any untenanted land, and the Estates Commissioners have not had any correspondence with Mr. Gubbins on the subject. The vendors are not apparently the owners of any other lands in the neighbourhood of the estate which is pending before the Commissioners.


asked the Chief Secretary whether, in view of the state of congestion which exists on the estate of J. C Bagot, Ballyturn, Gort, and the unwillingness of the landlord to meet the tenants in a reasonable way, so as to arrive at an understanding in regard to the sale of the estate, he will recommend to the Congested Districts Board the advisability' of applying the compulsory powers vested in. them to this estate, so as to avoid a fresh agitation in this district?


The question of applying the compulsory clauses of the Land Act in the case of this estate will be considered by the Board at their next meeting.


asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that a memorial was forwarded to the Estates Commissioners so long ago as March, 1911, by a body of annuitants, formerly tenants on the estate of William Daly and others, Dunsandle, Galway, and residing at Clonshe, Cahill, Blackloon, etc.; whether the terms of the memorial have been considered; and will he say what relief is proposed to be given to the memorialists?


The memorial referred to has been received and the Estates Commissioners are making inquiries in the matter.


asked the Chief Secretary whether he has received a copy of a resolution from the Croom district council, county Limerick, requesting the Estates Commissioners to take up the untenanted land on the estate of Wilmot Smith, at Ballyvanty, Bruff; and, if so, will the request contained in the resolution be acceded to and this land be distributed among the deserving people in the district?


The resolution referred to was received on the 10th instant, and will be considered by the Estates Commissioners.


asked whether an inspector has visited the lands of Miss Croker, or better known as the Lady Dyer estate, in county Limerick, has any arrangement been made for the acquiring of the untenanted land on the property; and, if so, how soon may the land be distributed, and will care be taken to see that John Raleigh, of Kyle, Bruff, county Limerick, will be handed back that portion from which his father was unjustly evicted?


I would refer the hon. Member to my reply to a similar question asked by him on the 28th February last. The estate has not yet been inspected, and the Estates Commissioners are not at present in a position to say when this estate will be reached in order of priority.