HC Deb 05 July 1911 vol 27 c1121

asked the hon. Member for the Doncaster Division, as representing the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, whether he has considered the pledge given to the House that the St. Mary, Prestwich, Rectory Bill shall be so amended that the advowson of St. Mary, Prestwich, shall remain in the hands of a trust on which the lay element shall have a majority; and whether the Bill will now be withdrawn, seeing that any such amendment is precluded by the title of the Bill, which provides for the transfer of the advowson to the See of Manchester?


Amendments will be proposed when the Bill comes before the Committee by which provision will be made for vesting the advowson of the Rectory of St. Mary, Prestwich, in a body of trustees answering the description given by the hon. Member, and it will be for the authorities of the House to decided whether the Standing Orders have in any way been violated by such an amendment.