HC Deb 27 February 1911 vol 22 cc25-7

asked the Secretary to the Treasury (1) whether the Development Commissioners, in appointing an advisory committee on fishery mat- ters, consulted the fishing interest in England, the Royal Society, or any of the Government Departments concerned as to the constitution of the committee; and, if so, whether he will state the nature of the advice given; (2) whether it is proposed that the advisory committee on fishery matters shall include representatives of the Irish Fishery Department and the Scottish Fishery Board, respectively; and why the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries and the English fishery interest are not represented on the advisory committee appointed or about to be appointed by the Development Commissioners; (3) whether an advisory committee on fishery matters has been appointed by the Development Commissioners; and, if so, what are the names and qualifications of the members? (4) why the Development Commissioners have appointed, or are about to appoint, an advisory committee to frame a comprehensive scheme for fishery research, seeing that such a scheme has already been framed and has been agreed to by the whole of the countries of North-Western Europe, including the United Kingdom, and (5) what is the number of the members of the advisory committee on fishery matters appointed or about to be appointed by the Development Commissioners; how many of such members are members of the council of the Marine Biological Association; whether that association is one of the applicants for an advance from the Development Commissioners; and, if so, whether, in the circumstances, he will explain why the association should have so strong a representation on the committee?


The names and qualifications of the members of the Advisory Committee in connection with fishery questions appointed by the Development Commissioners were given in my reply to a question asked me by the hon. Member for Grimsby on 14th February. I am now, however, in a position to add that the Fishmongers' Company have nominated a representative in the person of their Prime Warden, Mr. W. T. Brand, who has accordingly been appointed to the Committee. I believe that three members of the Committee, as now constituted, are on the Council of the Marine Biological Association, which body is an applicant for an advance from the Development Fund. The object of the Commissioners has been to secure a strong body of expert advisers, and the gentlemen who have consented to serve are not on the Committee as representing any of the scientific bodies with which they happen to be connected, except in so far as one of them was nominated by the Marine Biological Association. In the first instance the Development Commissioners invited the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, and the Scottish Office, and the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland, to be represented on the Committee, but the two former bodies preferred to be unrepresented, on the grounds that it would be inconsistent with their statutory position to accept the invitation. The Irish Department recommended a former official of the Department as a suitable representative of Irish interests. The primary object of the Advisory Committee will be to advise the Commissioners in connection with schemes referred to them under Section 4 (1) and (2) of the Development and Road Improvement Funds Act, 1909, but it will of course be within their power to recommend concurrently for the consideration of the Commissioners, and, if the Commissioners approve, of the Treasury, a scheme co-ordinating the suggestions received from different sources.


May I ask the right hon. Gentleman to answer that part of the question which asks if any English fishing interest was consulted?


Yes, I think so. I think it may be said the Fishmongers' Company represent the fishing interest.


May I ask whether, in the opinion of the Government, having regard to the fact that one of the problems is to determine between trawling and line fishing, it is desirable to have as chairman a gentleman who has identified himself with line fishing as against trawling?


I do not know the name of the gentleman, and therefore it would be rather difficult for me to answer that.


The name of the gentleman is Mr. Tennant, M.P., the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Trade.