HC Deb 23 February 1911 vol 21 c2055

asked the Chief Secretary if his attention had been called to the case of the late Mary Kehoe, a prisoner committed for trial to Water-ford Gaol, who died in the ordinary cells on 1st February last, after several days' illness; and if he could state why she was not sent to the prison hospital previous to her death?


My attention has been called to the case referred to. Mary Kehoe died on 1st February in an ordinary cell in Waterford Prison. She had been in fair health since her committal to prison on 25th November, 1910, but on the evening of 30th January complained of toothache and a pain in her chest. The acting medical officer visited her that evening and prescribed for her. The next morning the medical officer visited her and found her very much better, and did not think it necessary to send her to the hospital. Her death resulted from a sudden and unexpected attack of angina pectoris.