HC Deb 23 February 1911 vol 21 cc2055-6

asked the Chief Secretary if he is aware that on the night of the 12th February cattle were driven from grazing land at Castlelacken, on the estate of Colonel Knox, over the cliffs, and were badly injured on the rocks below; and whether any persons have been arrested for this offence?


asked whether he is aware that on Tuesday, 7th instant, a cattle-drive took place on Castlelacken demesne, near Ballycastle, county Mayo, the property of Colonel Knox, and that twelve head of cattle were driven along a pathway towards the sea, and were beaten and forced to walk over a cliff from twenty-five to thirty feet high into the sea; whether bunches of hair and pieces of skin were found on the rocks from which the cattle were precipitated, indicating that they had been brutally treated in the endeavour to force them over the cliff; whether a cattle-drive took place in March last on the same lands; what steps were then taken to prevent a repetition of the offence; what arrests have been made in connection with the present case; and what steps are being taken to prevent a recurrence of this kind of outrage in the neighbourhood?


The Inspector-General informs me that the occurrence took place on the night of the 7th instant, and that the facts are substantially as stated-Tufts of hair were found on the rocks, but no pieces of skin. One beast was badly injured, and another is missing. In March last fifty-two head of cattle were driven off these lands, but were not injured. The police have been doing, and will continue to do, all that is possible to prevent a repetition of the offence. No arrests have been made.