HC Deb 14 February 1911 vol 21 c877

asked the Prime Minister whether he proposes to introduce legislation, as suggested in last year's Debate on the Judicature Bill, to enact an age limit to the services of judges of the High Court; and whether, if time will not permit of this during the present Session, provision can be made under the forthcoming Budget for increasing the retiring pension of such judges to a sum equal to, or in special cases to a sum in excess of, their annual salary so as to tempt aged judges to retire without loss of income when their fifteen years' pensionable service is completed?


It has not been necessary in the past to fix any statutory limit of age, because in the main a sense of public duty has led judges to retire when unable efficiently to discharge their very responsible duties. His Majesty's Government hopes that it may not become necessary to make any change in this respect. The present pension is £3,500 a year for all judges except Lords of Appeal, the Lord Chief Justice, and the Master of the Rolls; and the Government consider the pension is already ample.


Is the only way of getting rid of an unsuitable judge at present to make him a Member of the House of Lords?