§ Mr. LYNCHasked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether in regard to the Select Committee to consider medical matters he would consider the advisability of making the terms of reference fairly extensive, so that not merely questions of patent medicines might be dealt, with, but also the practice of medicine by unqualified men?
§ Mr. McKENNAI do not think it would be wise to extend the scope of the inquiry beyond patent medicines.
§ Mr. LYNCHasked the Home Secretary whether he was in a position to state whether the Select Committee promised for next Session to inquire into the subject of patent medicines and allied matters would be a Departmental Committee or in the nature of a Royal Commission; and whether the medical profession would be represented both in regard to science and to professional practice?
§ Mr. McKENNAI am unable at present to make a definite announcement, but it is proposed that the inquiry should be by a Select Committee of this House or possibly a Joint Select Committee.