§ Mr. MacVEAGHasked the Postmaster-General whether he is aware that the Irish Telephone Directory is printed in England and the advertisement department is managed in England, whereas it could be printed more cheaply in Ireland, and a larger revenue could be obtained from advertisements if the advertisement department were managed by someone who knows something about the country; whether any firms in Ireland were allowed to tender for either the printing or the advertising; and, if not, whether such tenders will be invited on all future occasion?
§ Mr. HERBERT SAMUELUnder the contracts made by the National Telephone Company the Telephone Directory for the United Kingdom, including the Irish section, is printed in England, and the arrangements for advertisements are in the hands of a London firm who have agents in Ireland. In order to facilitate the conduct of the company's business after its transfer to the Post Office at the end of this year it has been necessary to arrange to continue these contracts for short periods, with some improvement in the terms in favour of the Post Office, When new contracts have to be made the question of obtaining tenders from Irish firms for the whole or part of the Directory will be considered.