Captain CRAIGI wish to ask a question affecting the privileges of this House, in view of a notice which has appeared in the Irish Press to the following effect, that an official announcement has been made that the Lord Mayor and Corporation of Dublin are about to present a petition, sealed with the seal of the City, and, under the ancient privilege will be brought to the Bar of the House of Commons by the Dublin municipality; and, in order that this House may mark its deep sense of indignation at the action of the Dublin Corporation in refusing to present a loyal Address to His Majesty on his visit to Ireland in July next, may I ask what steps we should take in order to prevent the Corporation of the City of Dublin appearing at the Bar of this House?
§ Mr. SPEAKERThe position, I think, is this, that by a Resolution of the House passed in the year 1813, the privilege was granted to the Mayor and Corporation of Dublin to present their petitions at the Bar of the House. That was done by a Resolution of this House, and from that time onward, from time to time, the Mayor and Corporation of Dublin have so appeared. If it is the desire of the House to take away that privilege, that must be done, of course, by Resolution of the House. It is 2436 not a matter affecting the privileges of the House of Commons, but it is a matter which would affect the privileges of the Mayor and Corporation of Dublin. It is not a matter within the meaning of the word "privilege" as generally applied to our own proceedings.
Captain CRAIGUnder these circumstances the only manner in which this House can mark its sense of indignation of the action of the Corporation of Dublin will be by bringing a Motion before the House to rescind the Resolution standing on the books of the House. Therefore, Sir, I beg to give notice that at the earliest date I shall bring forward a Motion to rescind the privileges which have hitherto been granted to that disloyal corporation.
§ Mr. SWIFT MacNEILLMay I ask whether it is the fact that the Resolution of 1813 was brought before the House and carried by the exertions of Henry Grattan?