HC Deb 21 May 1910 vol 116 cc393-4
Colonel YATE

(by private Notice) asked the President of the Board of Trade what arrangements, if any, the Railway Executive Committee have been able to make to facilitate excursions for children into the country?


I am glad to be able to say that the Railway Executive Committee are offering the following terms for recognised school excursions: Present day single fare for double journey to adults and to children over fourteen years of age; half present day single fare for double journey to children up to fourteen years of age. Such concession to be limited to one outing per school during the season. It is most important that when ever possible the excursion should be arranged for days in the middle of the week.


Will that be extended to boys' brigades and boys' camps?


I cannot answer that. I knew the moment any concession was made a great many more would be asked for, but I cannot give an answer to that without consulting the Railway Executive.