HC Deb 31 March 1910 vol 15 cc1466-7

asked how many home-making centres for girls, where cooking, laundry-work, housewifery, and the care of infant children are taught, have as yet been started as part of the elementary school curriculum on the lines inaugurated by Miss Hughes at Penarth; where such centres are situate; whether they are increasing in number; and whether their promotion has the full sympathy and encouragement of the Board of Education?

The PRESIDENT Of the BOARD of EDUCATION (Mr. Runciman)

My information is, of course, confined to centres, and schools earning or applying for grants-from the Board under the Code. The Board do not pay grant to "home-making, centres" under that name. They do, however, pay grants for combined domestic subjects, which must include cookery, laundry-work, and housewifery. For the-year 1908–9 the special grant for combined1 domestic subjects was paid to 142 centres; or schools. Some instruction in the care of infant children is given at some of those centres, but as it is not an essential subject for the purpose of grant, the Board' have no precise record of the facts on this point. For the same period grant was also paid to 2,338 centres or schools for instruction in cookery, and to 547 for instruction in laundry-work. My information goes to show that a considerable increase in the number of centres earning' special grant for combined domestic subjects, cookery, and laundry-work will be shown in the current year. The promotion of suitable education in all subjects-which tend to strengthen and encourage home-making faculties has the cordial sympathy and encouragement of the Board.


May ask whether the right hon. Gentleman means to convey that the Board will give encouragement to the giving of such special' instruction if parents wish that it should be given?


We have always endeavoured to do so.