HC Deb 16 March 1910 vol 15 cc344-5

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if his attention had been called to a second alleged case of lead-poisoning at Pilking-ton's Tile Works, Clifton Junction, Manchester; if he could say whether the incidents connected with the medical opinions of the case were similar to those in the previous case; and what steps he intended to take in the matter?


Notification of lead poisoning in a person who was previously employed at these works, but who left in May last, has been received in the Department. The Secretary of State understands that the certifying surgeon refused to give a certificate of disablement under Section (8) of the Compensation Act, but that an appeal against his decision has, on reference to the medical referee, been allowed. On receipt of this decision, Messrs. Pilkington at once arranged to pay compensation. I may add that these are the only two cases that have occurred at their works, and that in both cases the women had left their employment for many months before the claim arose.