HC Deb 15 March 1910 vol 15 cc186-7

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether any inquiry has been held into the circumstances attending the death from heart failure, on 29th October, 1909, of an Asiatic coal-trimmer named Sk Carallee Callimalla, whilst serving on the steamer "Sardinia," of Glasgow; whether the seaman was on duty at the time; whether he was medically examined before joining; how long he had served on the vessel; whether he had had any previous sea service; how many tons of coal the engine-room hands were required to work each twenty-four hours; what was the temperature of the engine-room and stokehold; whether any previous cases of death from heat stroke or heart failure have occurred on this vessel; what wages the seaman received, and the cost per month of the provisions supplied to him; whether any compensation has been paid to the dependants; and, if not, whether he will take steps to inform them of their rights under the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1906?


An inquiry into the death of the trimmer referred to was held by the Superintendent of the Mercantile Marine Office at Victoria Docks, when it was found that the man had been invalided on 18th October, 1909, from the steamship "Sicilia," and transferred to the steamship "Sardinia" for passage to India. He performed no work on board the "Sardinia," and was under medical supervision.