HC Deb 20 June 1910 vol 18 cc37-8

asked the Chief Secretary whether his attention has been called to a warning letter read during the hearing of a malicious injury claim at the Ennis Quarter Sessions, threatening the daughter of Mr. Thomas M'Gann with a full charge of No. 1 shot if she had any communication with James' Nagle, Leana, or Pat Fogarty, of Roughan, two men who are under police protection; whether the police have arrested anyone in respect of the letter; and what steps are being taken to protect the girl from such intimidation in the future?


I understand that a letter to the effect stated in the question was read at Ennis Quarter Sessions in support of a claim made by Thomas M'Gann for malicious injury to cattle. No arrests have been made in connection with the letter. The police will afford all necessary protection to Miss M'Gann, but they cannot prevent the sending of such letters.


asked whether, at the quarter sessions held at Ennis, Mr. Thomas Crowe was awarded £7 in respect of a heifer which was found with a bullet wound behind the shoulder at the left side; that Thomas and Bridget M'Gann were awarded £18 in respect to injuries done to five cattle by painting on their backs and sides, and by the knocking down of 200 yards of stone walls; that Lord Inchiquin was awarded £10 in respect to injuries done to forty-two bullocks by driving them; that Mr. Thomas Roche was awarded £40 for the knocking down of walls, and Mr. James Reynolds £3 15s. for injuries done to fifteen bullocks by driving; whether, in any of these cases, persons have been arrested and punished; and what steps are being taken to preserve order in the disturbed districts of county Clare?


I understand that at the recent quarter sessions at Ennis compensation, as stated, was granted in the several cases mentioned in the question. No arrests have been made. There is at present a force of fifty-six extra police in the districts referred to in the concluding portion of the question, and they, with the ordinary police force, are doing all they can to preserve order.