HC Deb 20 June 1910 vol 18 c27

asked the Prime Minister if his attention had been directed to the state of affairs on the West Coast of the Highlands of Scotland, to the number of able-bodied men and women from the South of Scotland who were compelled to leave the country through inability to get land or work on the land, and to the recent action of the Canadian immigration authorities deporting able-bodied immigrants willing to work; and whether, in view of the demand for remedial land legislation throughout Scotland, he would invite a conference to consider land legislation, on the basis not only of his Earlston speech, but on that of his speech before at Inverness, and to which he pledged the Liberal Party?


I shall be glad to consider any information that my hon. Friend may have in his possession as to the condition of affairs in the West Coast of the Highlands, but I am unable to see that any practical purpose would be served by the adoption of the suggestion contained in his question.