HC Deb 29 July 1910 vol 19 c2523

asked the Attorney-General for Ireland whether he has any information regarding an alleged shooting outrage at Stranagalwilly, county Tyrone, on the night of the 16th July inst.; and whether, in view of the circumstances connected with the alleged shooting outrage, he will have full inquiry made into the whole case with a view to fixing the blame on the proper culprits?

The ATTORNEY-GENERAL for IRELAND (Mr. Redmond Barry)

The police authorities inform me that it was reported to them that on the night of the 16th instant two shots were fired into a hut at the place referred to which was occupied by three gamekeepers. The windows were broken but no person was injured. The gamekeepers state that they fired upon some men whom they saw running away, and that the fire was returned but no person was hit. The matter is being investigated by the police.