HC Deb 21 July 1910 vol 19 c1412

Sub-section (6).—Of every Bill relating to any dock, harbour, navigation, pier, port, or tidal waters, at the Office of the Harbour Department of the Board of Trade, marked "Tidal Waters."

After the word "Bill" ["Of every Bill relating "] insert the words "affecting foreshore or tidal lands within the ordinary spring tides or".

Leave out Sub-section (7).—"Of every Bill of the Second Class, whereby it is intended to authorise the construction of any work on the banks, foreshore, or bed of any river, at the Office of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, and at the Office of the Conservators of the River, if any;" and insert instead thereof, "(7) Of every Bill whereby it is proposed to authorise in England or Wales the making, extending, or enlarging of any dam, weir, or obstruction to the passage of fish in any river or estuary, or of any sewer discharging into any such river or estuary, or the abstraction of water from any river, at the Office of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries and at the office of any fishery board having jurisdiction over the river or estuary."