HC Deb 21 July 1910 vol 19 cc1418-9
Captain COOPER

asked the Chief Secretary whether he would state, up to 30th June, 1910, the total number of cases of cattle-driving reported to the police, the number of distinct cases in which proceedings were instituted, and the number of persons proceeded against, distinguishing between the different results of proceedings before magistrates and before juries, respectively?


The total number of cattle drives up to 30th June last was 1,389. Proceedings were instituted in respect of 230 of these drives. There were 180 distinct prosecutions directed against 2,128 persons. Summary proceedings were taken in 165 cases, 1,958 persons being brought before magistrates. Of these, 328 were discharged and 1,595 were ordered to find bail, of whom 276 were imprisoned in default of giving bail, and the cases against 35 persons were adjourned. Eleven cases were tried before juries against 148 persons, of whom 17 were convicted and 30 acquitted; the jury disagreed as regard 69, and nolle prosequi was entered in the case of 32. In the four remaining cases 22 persons are awaiting trial at assizes.


Will the right hon. Gentleman inquire whether any drives of human beings have taken place on this estate during the last fifty years?