§ Mr. ERNEST JARDINEasked the President of the Local Government Board whether he will consider the issuing of an order by which boards of guardians shall be empowered to contribute towards the cost of cottage nursing in the homes of the sick poor by nursing associations, in the proportion of visits paid and total cost, on the same lines that such boards can contribute towards the cost of workhouse children attending elementary schools?
§ Mr. BURNSBoards of guardians are already empowered under Section 10 of the Poor Law Act, 1879, with, the consent of the Local Government Board, to subscribe towards associations for providing nurses, and the Board have sanctioned many subscriptions under this enactment. In the recent Circular on Outdoor Relief I drew attention to the importance to guardians of being in a position to supply nurses in case of need, and expressed the opinion that nurses are generally best provided through the agency of local nursing associations. At the same time, I intimated willingness to continue to sanction subscriptions for this purpose.