HC Deb 13 July 1910 vol 19 cc368-9

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if he can state whether the inspector's Report has yet been sent to the Estates Commissioners concerning the case of James Rorke, Bundara, Aughavas, Carrigallen, county Leitrim, who was evicted from his farm of land on the estate of Lord Harlech about twenty years ago?


The Estates Commissioners have received their inspector's Report in this case, and have decided to take no action in the matter.


asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if he can state if Mrs. Kate Casserly, widow of the late Patrick Casserly, will be reinstated on her farm on the Ellis estate, at Carlough, Forfield, county Leitrim, from which she was evicted, and which is at present in the occupation of Michael Maguire; and, as the sale of this property is in the Land Judges Court and an inspector from the Estates Commissioners visited the farm last year, if immediate steps will be taken to have this woman reinstated, as she is in poor circumstances?


The Estates Commissioners have considered Mrs. Casserly's application for reinstatement in a holding on the Ellis estate containing 4½ acres, which is now in the occupation of another tenant, and have decided to take no action in the matter.


asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if he can state what steps the Estates Commissioners will take with regard to the case of Miss Mary Murphy, of Aughrimin, Lisduff, Carrick-on-Shannon, county Leitrim, who was evicted some years ago from her farm on the estate of Rev. J. Ireland, and which is in the occupation of another person at the present time; and, in the event of her not being reinstated, if she will be provided with a farm elsewhere?


The Estates Commissioners have not received the application referred to. They have received an application from Francis Murphy for reinstatement in a holding formerly occupied by him on this estate, but as he did not apply before 1st May, 1907, his application cannot be dealt with under the Evicted Tenants Act.