§ Mr. JOHN O'DONNELLasked whether it is the intention of His Majesty's Government to bring in a Bill dealing with the administration of the Poor Laws in Ireland and based on the Report of the Royal Commission which took evidence on the subject in various parts of Ireland some years ago, and for which there appears to be such urgent need at present?
Captain CRAIGBefore the right hon. Gentleman answers that question, may I ask if it had not been for hon. Members below the Gangway would not this matter have been dealt with two years ago?
§ Mr. BIRRELLI would refer the hon Member to my reply to a question on the subject asked by the hon. Member fox-East Down on 23rd February last, to which I have nothing at present to add.
§ Mr. MOORECan the right hon. Gentleman say when he is prepared to carry out, the pledge he gave this House in reference to the Bill of 1908, that he would introduce and pass legislation in 1909?
§ Mr. BIRRELLNobody is more anxious than I to pass a measure of this kind, but, unfortunately, when you come to investigate it, it contains many particulars of a highly controversial character, although there are many others on which apparently very general agreement exists. It is impossible in this Session to introduce a controversial measure of this kind.