HC Deb 19 April 1910 vol 16 c1892

asked whether, in the case of assistant teachers of over three years' service in Irish national schools, the Treasury will consider the advisability of allowing the Commissioners to retain their services on averages somewhat below those that warrant appointment, reducing the assistant's income, if necessary, by one-sixtieth for each unit of decrease below the average required for appointment?


While the rules with regard to the payment of teachers' salaries cannot be altered without the sanction of the Treasury, the matter is one in the first instance for the consideration of the Commissioners of National Education, and I am not aware that they consider it advisable to alter the rules in the manner suggested in the question.


asked whether the position of several assistants of long service in Irish national schools is threatened owing to the reduced averages resulting from the severe weather of the last quarter of 1909 and the first three months of 1910; and, as the withdrawal of salary due to the weather conditions would inflict a hardship on these teachers and injure education by depriving the schools of their services, will the Treasury permit the Commissioners, for the purpose of safeguarding these assistants, to substitute for the averages of the above two quarters the averages for the corresponding quarters in the previous financial year?


I would refer the hon. Member to my reply to a question on the same subject asked by the hon. Member for the Connemara Division on 17th March last. As I then stated the Commissioners do not consider that the present circumstances are such as to call for the action in connection with the matter suggested in the question.