HC Deb 05 April 1910 vol 16 c196
Major ADAM

asked whether a system known as rate-fixing prevails in the ordnance factories; whether the rates of pay under this system are subject to frequent revision, which causes dissatisfaction among the men; and whether the Secretary of State for War would consider the advisability of reverting to the former system?


The system known as rate-fixing prevails in some of the departments of the Ordnance Factories. Under the system the rate-fixed price for an operation is not reduced unless the method of carrying out the operation is altered, and it is not therefore apparent why any dissatisfaction should be caused by the system. It is not proposed to revert to the former system where rate-fixing has been adopted.

Major ADAM

Would the right hon. Gentleman state his objection to the previous system?


Under the previous system the rates were fixed by the foremen on his own interpretation. The rates are now fixed by experts conversant with the character of the machinery and its working. These decisions, we think, are a great improvement, and in the interest both of the workers and the Department.

Major ADAM

Would the right hon. Gentleman make further inquiry as to the dissatisfaction prevailing at the present time as to the existing system?


If any tangible evidence is brought before me that there is dissatisfaction I will inquire into the matter, but I am not aware that the system which according to our impression is a great improvement is causing any dissatisfaction.