§ Mr. BARNES (for Mr. Keir Hardie)asked the Under-Secretary of State for India whether he would ask for a report from the Governor of Bengal as to the accuracy and origin of a recent Press message to the effect that the report of an attempt to blow up a treasure van on the railway was based upon the statements made by Indians in charge of the van?
The MASTER of ELIBANKThe Secretary of State does not think that the point in question is of sufficient importance to justify him in moving the Government of Bengal to make it the subject of an inquiry. He does not feel called upon to question the bona fides of any of the persons concerned in the report.
§ Mr. BARNES (for Mr. Keir Hardie)asked whether the Government of India has any power under special Press law or ordinary statutory law to prosecute journalists, whether Indian or European, who habitually transmit for publication in the British Press false and malicious slanders concerning the people of India and their political agitation; whether any such prosecutions have been recently undertaken or contemplated; and, if so, with what result?
The MASTER of ELIBANKAs regards the general question of law propounded by the hon. Member, the Secretary of State is not prepared, in the absence of a specific case, to give a definite reply; in any case the answer to the latter part of his question is in the negative.
§ Mr. REESMay I ask if the Secretary of State has any knowledge of any movement which can be accurately described as "the political agitation of the people of India"?