HC Deb 23 September 1909 vol 11 cc599-600

asked the Postmaster-General if he is proposing to buy the Marconi wireless telegraph stations, and, if so, at what price; if a trans-Atlantic wireless station could be erected for £15,000 or less, and an ordinary shore-to-ship station for £3,000; if he is aware that there are several other methods of wireless telegraphy, the inventors of which allege that messages can be sent more rapidly, with greater reliability, and to greater distances than by the Marconi system; and whether, seeing that the science of wireless telegraphy is still comparatively in its infancy, he will take care that there is no interference with perfectly free competition between the various systems?


I am in negotiation with the Marconi Company and with Lloyd's in regard to the matter. I hope to be able to come to an arrangement satisfactory to the Post Office. If, and when, the arrangement is concluded, I propose to make a statement in the House in regard to it. It would be premature to do so now. As regards the last paragraph of the question, however, I can at once give the desired assurance.