HC Deb 23 September 1909 vol 11 c610

asked whether the Home Secretary has applied to the Chancellor of the Exchequer for any grant of public money to make the experiments which the inspectors of his Department state are necessary should be made without delay to safeguard the lives of miners where electricity is employed?


The Secretary of State has not received any recommendation from the inspectors of mines as to the necessity or urgency of any experiments with regard to electricity, though he has seen a paper read at the Institution of Mining Engineers by Mr. Nelson, in which he suggests that certain experiments on live cables would be of interest and might be valuable. The whole subject of the regulations for the use of electricity in mines is about to be referred to an expert Committee, who will doubtless consider how far any such experiments would be useful and by whom they can best be made. Their recommendations will have the Secretary of State's most careful consideration.