HC Deb 22 September 1909 vol 11 c398

asked the hon. Member for South Somerset, as representing the President of the Board of Agriculture, if the Commissioner for the Board has concluded his inquiry as to the demand for small holdings at Newborough; if he is satisfied with the means and ability of the applicants; if the substance of his Report has been communicated to the county council of the Soke of Peterborough; if the council has given any indication to the Board that it is prepared to reconsider its decision not to supply small holdings to more than seven applicants; and, if no such indication has been given, what steps the Board now intend to take to supply small holdings to the men who have satisfied the Commissioner and for whom the council refuse to provide land?


asked the hon. Member for South Somerset if the Commissioner has reported to the Board on the inquiry as to small holdings at Newborough; if so, how many men has he interviewed; how many men is he prepared to recommend for small holdings; how many acres will be required to satisfy the demand by the men he is prepared to recommend; and as the county council for the Soke of Peterborough has declined to supply small holdings, what steps the Board of Agriculture intend to take to carry out the recommendations of the Commissioner?

The TREASURER of the HOUSEHOLD (Sir E. Strachey)

The Assistant Commissioner reports that he interviewed 20 of the applicants, and that in addition to the eight applicants whom the county council have approved he considers there are 16 others for whom holdings should be provided. He estimates that 344 acres in all are required for the purpose. We propose now to communicate these facts to the county council with a view to their taking the necessary steps to carry out the requirements of the Act.