HC Deb 21 September 1909 vol 11 c218

asked the President of the Board of Trade if his attention has been called to the fact that the Great Southern and Western Railway Company (Ireland), which pays 4½ per cent. on its ordinary shares, makes no provision for warming third-class carriages in cold weather on most of its trains, even for long runs like that from Dublin to Waterford, and prohibits the servants of the company, without, obtaining special permission, from providing third-class passengers with foot-warmers; and will he have representations made by has Department to this company with a view of changing the present system, which inflicts hardship on third-class passengers who may not care or may not be able to pay the fares charged by this company for first and second-class tickets?


The Board of Trade are in communication with the railway company in this matter, and I shall be glad to inform the hon. Gentleman of the result?