HC Deb 20 September 1909 vol 11 c9

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he was aware that many of the employés in the new factory in Portsmouth Dockyard were working overtime, while at the same time other employés have received notice of discharge; and whether he would take steps to provide for a better distribution of the work in order to obviate the discharge of workmen and an increase in the number of unemployed in Portsmouth?

The FIRST LORD of the ADMIRALTY (Mr. McKenna)

The average number of men employed on overtime in the new factory is 25, and they are engaged on the special and confidential work connected with the manufacture of an experimental torpedo tube which has to be completed by the end of October, when it will be fitted in a ship and tried under sea-going conditions as preliminary to determining the pattern for the new ships already in hand. As many men as practicable are already engaged on the work, which is of such a character that a larger number cannot be employed on it. The work is very urgent, and it is only in cases of such urgency that sanction for overtime is given.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that last week nine men were discharged, and at the present time there are 40 men working overtime and not 25 as the right hon. Gentleman has stated to the House?


I stated 25 in regard to a particular piece of work, but I do not know whether 15 other men were engaged. I will inquire.