HC Deb 13 September 1909 vol 10 c1723

asked the Secretary of State for War whether it was the practice of the War Office to prescribe certain text books in science for the use of gentlemen cadets at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich; if so, whether he could state the name of the author and the date of publication of a text book on electricity and magnetism recently issued from His Majesty's Stationery Office; whether, as stated in that book, practical use had not yet been made in the services to any great extent of alternating currents; and if he would inquire when the book in which this statement occurred was last revised, with a view to bringing it up to date as a trustworthy guide for military students on the modern applications of electricity?


It is the practice of the War Office to prescribe the text books in question. The particular book in use is the official text book of electricity and magnetism, which was revised in 1902, and a reprint was recently issued pending a further revision of the manual which is under consideration. As regards any information in this book which may not be up to date, the Chief Instructor, by means of lectures and notes, adds the necessary supplementary information.


May I ask whether he is aware that this must be a reprint of a much earlier date, and will he issue a revised version?


It is a reprint of a book printed in 1902. A new book is being prepared. These books take much longer to prepare than I should have thought, but things move slowly in these matters.