HC Deb 09 September 1909 vol 10 cc1477-8

asked the hon. Member for South Somerset if a representative from the Board had been to Newborough to inquire into the demand for small holdings which the county council of the Soke of Peterborough declined to meet; and, if so, had he reported to the Board, and what was the substance of such Report?


Yes; our Assistant Commissioner recently visited Newborough to inquire into the demand for small holdings, but he has not yet reported to the Board.


Will the Report be published?


These Reports are never published.

Mr. STANIER (for Mr. Meysey-Thompson)

asked what number of persons in each county in England and Wales had been dispossessed or had received notice that they would be dispossessed of the whole or a portion of their farms to make room for small holders?


also asked:—

  1. (1) What acreage had been taken, or was under notice to be taken, from farmers in order to create small holdings under the provisions of the Small Holdings Act of last Session;
  2. (2) If the hon. Baronet could state the professions or occupations hitherto followed by the persons placed on small holdings on land from which farm tenants had been given notice to quit under the provisions of the Small Holdings Act of last Session;
  3. (3) If he could state what number of farmers whose land had been taken or whose land was about to be taken for small holdings were or are tenants of Grown lands; and
  4. (4) If he could state what number of farm labourers, hinds, horsemen, shepherds, and other employés on and about farms had been thrown out of employment under the working of the Small Holdings Act; and if he could form any estimate of the number of those who were likely to lose their places from the same cause?


In reply to the hon. Member's five questions, the information desired can only be obtained by application to about 10,000 local authorities. I hope, therefore, /that the hon. Member will not press for the detailed in-formation. Inquiry as to the number of Crown tenants, whose land has been, or is about to be, taken for small holdings, is being made, and I will send the hon. Member this information as soon as it is available.


I was asked to press for these answers; therefore, I hope the hon. Baronet will be able to supply them later on.