HC Deb 09 September 1909 vol 10 cc1459-60
Captain MURRAY

asked whether the Chinese Government have taken any steps to carry out the provisions of Article VIII. of the Treaty between Great Britain and China of 1902, relating to the abolition of the li-kin system in China; and, if not, whether their omission to do so is governed by the fact that the engagements referred to in Section 14 of Article VIII. have not been entered into fey the Powers concerned?


The only step hitherto taken by the Chinese Government is a recent proposal that negotiations for an increase of the Customs Tariff in return, for the abolition of li-kin should be entered into with the Powers. In view, however, of the failure of the Chinese Government to carry out other important provisions of the Treaty of 1902, His Majesty's Government are not at present disposed to give this proposal their support; more especially in view of the fact that new li-kin stations are being established in China, and that foreign trade is being subjected to li-kin exactions of greater frequency and amount.