HC Deb 08 September 1909 vol 10 c1299

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department will he say the total number of clubs on the register in the petty sessional division and borough of Mansfield in the years 1906 and 1908, respectively; the number of clubs in the same area struck off the register from 1st January, 1907, to 30th June, 1909, for betting, gambling, and drunkenness; the names of the brewery companies given in evidence before the local justices who financed those clubs; and whether any of the premises used by clubs struck off the register have again been opened for the consumption of liquor?

The SECRETARY of STATE for the HOME DEPARTMENT (Mr. Gladstone)

The Licensing Statistics show that the total number of clubs on the register on 1st January, 1906, and 1st January, 1908, was, in the petty sessional division, 13 and 15, and in the borough five and four respectively. I am informed by the justices' clerks that in the period 1st January, 1907, to 30th June, 1909, six clubs were struck off the register in the petty sessional division for betting, gambling, or drunkenness; and one, in the borough, for betting and other causes. In three cases the premises of a club struck off have since been opened as registered clubs, the period of twelve months during which the justices in each case prohibited the use of the premises for clubs having expired. I am not sure what the hon. Member includes in the term "financed," but it was mentioned that the premises of two clubs struck off the register were mortgaged to brewery firms.

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