HC Deb 07 September 1909 vol 10 cc1091-2

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he will ascertain from Mr. Sydney Smith, Estates Commissioners' inspector, the precise nature of the exceptional circumstances which led or induced him to allocate the largest and best portion of the untenanted lands of Kildrum, on the Kingston estate, to Thomas Robinson, land steward in the employment of the landlord, and possessed of ample means; if he will state the number of acres allotted to Thomas Robinson, and the value of the same, and amongst whom, and in what way, has the remaining portion of these lands been divided; how many applications for allotments were made to Mr. Sydney Smith, and how many were refused on the plea of insufficiency of land to go round; and whether the Commissioners will amend the scheme in question?


The Estates Commissioners inform me that Mr. Robinson, who was allotted a farm containing 119 acres on the Kingston estate, is the eldest son and representative of an evicted tenant on the Bowen estate, and had acted for a number of years as manager of the lands on the Kingston estate, on which the farm allotted to him is situate, prior to the sale thereof under the Act of 1903. The residue of the lands was allotted amongst eight other persons coming within Section 2 of the Irish Land Act, 1903. The Commissioners are unable to state how many applications were refused on the ground mentioned in the question. The persons to whom allotments have been made have signed purchase agreements, and the scheme of distribution cannot now be amended.


Is it the case that Mr. Robinson's father was evicted since 1st May, 1879, and that he therefore came within the statutory period?


I do not know how that would be. The fact is he is the eldest son of an evicted tenant.