HC Deb 01 September 1909 vol 10 cc345-6

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies if, in view of the fact that in the Straits Settlements and the Federated Malay States, where the conditions are very similar to those in Hong Kong, the opium farms are being abolished on the unanimous recommendation of the Straits Opium Commission and to prevent a system from being stereotyped for three years which may hamper the Government in its efforts to assist China, the Secretary of State will take steps to prevent any new opium farm contract being entered into at Hong Kong?

Colonel SEELY

No, Sir; experience has shown that the farm system is that best suited to the circumstances of Hong Kong, and His Majesty's Government are satisfied that its existence will in no way hamper the Government in its efforts to assist China. An Ordinance recently passed as No. 16 of 1909, has considerably extended the Government's power of control over the opium farmer's proceedings. My hon. Friend will find a copy of this Ordinance in the Library of the House.


Will the hon. Gentleman state if the policy of His Majesty's Government is different to that of the Chinese Government, which is the suppression of the use of opium?

Colonel SEELY

Oh, no. We hope to co-operate with the Chinese Government in every possible manner in stopping the consumption of opium.