§ Motor spirit used for the purpose of supplying motive power—
- (1) To a motor car which is constructed or adapted for use, and is used solely, for the conveyance of any goods or burden in the course of trade or husbandry, and whereon the Christian name and surname and place of abode
1415 or place of business of the person, or the name or style and principal or only place of business of the company or firm keeping the same, shall be legibly and visibly painted in letters of not less than one inch in length. - (2) To a motor cab, motor omnibus, or other vehicle being a hackney carriage within the meaning of Section four of the Customs and Inland Re-venue Act, 1888, while it is standing or plying for hire.
- (3) To a motor car kept by a duly qualified medical practitioner while it is being used by him for the purposes of his profession.