§ Mr. KEIR HARDIEI wish to ask the Home Secretary a question of which I have given him private notice, whether he can say by whose authority a fire-hose pipe was played on one of the women suffragettes in Strangeways Gaol, Manchester; whether the lady was at the time weak from want of food; whether the water was played upon her for about an hour; and what action he has taken to punish those responsible for authorising and carrying out this assault upon a prisoner?
§ Mr. GLADSTONEI am sorry to say that the newspaper statement is true, though somewhat exaggerated. I need not say that the use of the fire hose was not authorised either by me or by the Prison Commissioners. It was employed, I understand, by order of the Visiting Committee, and as soon as the matter came to my notice I wrote to them for an explanation. Having not yet had any reply from them I have to-day sent one of the Prison Com missioners to Manchester with instructions to inquire fully into all the circumstances.
§ Mr. KEIR HARDIEMay I ask whether meanwhile those responsible for this gross outrage will be suspended?
§ Mr. GLADSTONEI have already explained I know nothing more than I have already stated. I have sent down a Prison Commissioner in order to investigate and ascertain the facts. I may add that I have ordered the discharge of the prisoner in question.
§ Mr. KEIR HARDIEI shall repeat the question on Monday.