HC Deb 27 October 1909 vol 12 c998

asked the First Lord whether he is aware that there has this year been an unprecedented dearth of white fish in the Moray Firth, and that this is attributed to the frequent gun practice by His Majesty's ships; whether he was aware that this firing often takes place at night, to the danger of the fishermen, who must then be at sea or abandon their calling; whether notice of the times of firing is given by telegrams signed Coastguard; and under whose authority such telegrams are despatched?


No reports to this effect have been received, and no proof has been given that the catches have been injuriously affected by the firing of His Majesty's ships. Night firing has been carried out by His Majesty's ships since 15th September, within a definite area in the Moray Firth, which was carefully selected so as to interfere as little as possible with the fisheries. In order to minimise any inconvenience to the fishermen, the times of commencement and completion of firing each night have been notified in advance to the Coastguard by the officer in charge of the practice, in order that the fishermen may be informed as speedily as possible.