HC Deb 26 October 1909 vol 12 c838

asked the President of the Board of Education how many years' service were rendered as a certificated head teacher by Mr. John Bill; at what age his retirement from St. George's School, Shrewsbury, took place; and what is the total amount of the superannuation allowance and annuity which he receives?


Teachers superannuation allowances and annuities are awarded under the Elementary School Teachers (Superannuation) Act, 1898, and the rules and tables made thereunder. Complete information as to the Act, the Rules, and the Tables can be obtained from an official publication of the Board, copies of which are to be found in the library of the House. Copies can also, of course, be purchased in the usual way. As full information is given therein, and as many examples of the effect of the Act in practice have been given by way of answer to questions, it does not appear to be desirable to occupy the time of the House with statements of the details of the superannuation allowances and annuities of every individual teacher.


Is it not a fact that teachers who joined the service on the understanding that pensions, as drawn up in the code of 1846, would be adhered to, have suffered very much in consequence of the altered and revised code of 1862, and can nothing be done to remedy that injustice?


I would like to have notice of that question.