HC Deb 25 October 1909 vol 12 c733

asked the Chief Secretary whether his attention has been called to the fact that the defective character of the present sewerage system in Kilkee has been the cause of considerable detriment to that town; and whether he can state what steps he is prepared to take with the object of providing a scheme for the establishment of a satisfactory sewerage system in Kilkee?


The question of the unsatisfactory sewerage of Kilkee has occupied the attention of the Local Government Board for a long time, and in 1904 they issued an Order dealing with this subject and with the water supply. Legal difficulties have, however, considerably delayed the Kilrush Rural District Council in procuring an improved water supply, without which new sewers could not advantageously be laid down. As the Board now understand that the new water supply will shortly be in working order, they have urged the district council to appoint an engineer an obtain plans for the sewerage system. In the event of unnecessary delay in proceeding with the works the Board will take steps to enforce their Order.