HC Deb 25 October 1909 vol 12 cc737-8

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention had been called to the death at sea, from beri-beri, on 11th August, 1909, of an Asiatic seaman named Dheria Fackeer, whilst serving on the steamer "Singapore," of London; whether he was aware that this disease was attributed to improper and insufficient food; whether any inquiry had been held into the matter; whether the seaman was medically examined before joining; how long he had served on the vessel; whether he had had any previous sea service; whether any previous deaths from this disease had occurred on this vessel; and whether, as in cases of deaths from this disease, owners, in reply to questions, invariably stated that the food was in excess of the official scale, he would direct the Board of Trade inspectors to institute independent inquiries in all such cases, with a view to determining whether the owners' statements were correct?


The Lascar seaman referred to in the question died of beri-beri on the voyage from New Orleans to Antwerp. The cause of beri-beri has not yet been definitely ascertained, but there seems to be no doubt that bad and insufficient food predisposes to the disease. Inquiry was made by the Consul-General at Antwerp and a deputy superintendent of the Mercantile Marine Office at Dock-street, London, and also by Dr. E. W. S. Evans, sanitary surveyor, who was appointed by the Board of Trade as an inspector to report to them on this and other cases of disease amongst the crew of thy "Singapore." The crew were medically examined before joining at Bombay. The man had been 265 days on board the vessel, but it is not known whether he had had previous sea service. Board of Trade inspectors have been and will continue to be instructed to make independent inquiries in such cases into all the conditions of employment, including food supply. In the present case the inspector has reported that the food was good, sufficient in quantity, and in accordance with the Lascar Food Scale sanctioned by the Government of India. The full report of the inquiry is being forwarded to the Government of India, and has been communicated to the Royal College of Physicians, who have the subject of beri-beri under investigation. No other death from beri-beri besides those which were inquired into by the inspector has occurred in the "Singapore" during the last three years.


Will the hon. Member state whether any complaints have been made by the Government of India or any other organisation by or on behalf of any Asiatic seaman against the captain, the owner, or the master of this vessel?


No, Sir. I am not aware that there is anything to complain of.


In view of the prevalence of beri-beri in European waters, and in view of the great doubt existing as to the origin of this disease, will the right hon. Gentleman direct that a special medical inquiry should toe made into the matter?


I am pleased to inform the hon. Gentleman that there is no special prevalence of beri-beri at the present moment.