HC Deb 21 October 1909 vol 12 cc442-3

asked whether the right hon. Gentleman is aware that town tenants in Ireland suffer under disadvantages similar to those which were formerly experienced by tenant farmers; and whether he can hold out a prospect of early legislation with regard to these citizens which shall have for object the fixation of fair rents, compensation for improvements, and due facilities for the purchase of the properties tenanted?


I would remind the hon. Member that the Town Tenants (Ireland) Act, 1906, provides for compensation to certain classes of town tenants for improvements and for unreasonable disturbance. The Government do not contemplate further legislation on the subject.

Mr. JEREMIAH MacVEAGH (for Mr. Reddy)

asked, with reference to the escape of Cavanagh from custody at Shrinrone barracks, whether the prisoner was allowed to walk outside the barracks with the police whilst he was in custody, whereas men who had been arrested in the same district for cattle-driving were kept handcuffed and in close confinement; and, if so, what explanation was offered of the difference in treatment?


I am informed by the constabulary authorities that the hon. Member is mistaken in supposing that Cavanagh was allowed, while in custody, to walk outside the barrack premises from which he escaped. The seventeen men arrested for cattle-driving in the same district were handcuffed while being brought to the barrack, and also when being taken on to Limerick, this precaution being considered necessary owing to their number.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say how this prisoner, Cavanagh, escaped if he was not allowed outside?


If the hon. Gentleman will ask me privately I will give him the information.