HC Deb 06 October 1909 vol 11 c1992
Mr. LONSDALE (for Captain Craig)

asked the Postmaster-General whether he is aware that for a number of years repeated representations have been made by the Belfast branch of the Postal Telegraph Clerks' Association, with reference to the unsatisfactory lighting of the local instrument room; whether the Department has acknowledged the legitimacy of these complaints; whether he is aware that over 12 months ago, on the recommendation of an officer from the engineer-in-chief's office, who paid a special visit to Belfast in connection with this matter, an improved system of lighting was authorised, and that at a staff meeting held recently complaint, in view of the near approach of winter and the fact that so much work is performed under artificial lighting conditions, was made regarding the failure in carrying out the new installation; what has been the cause of this delay, and can it now be stated when the work will be proceeded with?

Captain NORTON

The Postmaster-General has requested me to reply on his behalf. Complaints have been received from the staff on the subject, and I regret that, while efforts have been made from time to time to improve matters, no satisfactory scheme has up to the present been brought into operation. The room is difficult to light properly, and special investigation has been carried out and experiments made with metallic filament lamps in order that a correct judgment might be formed as to the best system of lighting. A report has now been received, and the work will be put in hand at once.