HC Deb 04 October 1909 vol 11 c1660

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will consider extending to all licensed houses the choice to be given to larger houses of paying their licences on annual value?


I assume that by "annual value" my hon. Friend refers to the annual compensation value to be certified under Clause 30 (2) of the Finance Bill. It would not be possible to ascertain the annual compensation value of all fully-licensed premises and beer-houses within the current financial year; but, as my hon. Friend is no doubt aware, it is proposed in an Amendment which has been placed on the Paper to Schedule 1, page 53, line 2, to extend to all on-licence holders, whose premises are of an annual value exceeding £500, the option of having their Licence Duty assessed on annual compensation value.


Will the Chancellor of the Exchequer consider the desirability of making the arrangement universal instead of limiting it to houses of a certain value?


I understand that the practice has been hitherto to limit it to houses of £700 value. This is a concession reducing the limit to £500. As at present advised, my right hon. Friend does not see his way to go further.