HC Deb 02 November 1909 vol 12 c1643

asked the Under-Secretary for India whether he is aware that in the last Annual Report on the Police in the Punjab, the Lieutenant-Governor pointed out that owing to the fact that Indian magistrates are overawed by Indian pleaders, who insist upon adjournments and delays, it was surprising that the work of the police was well done at all, instances being given of a gang robbery in the Montgomery district, which took place in 1908 and was not disposed of till the present year, and of the escape of many guilty persons through the dilatory procedure of the courts; and whether, since the Indian police are frequently attacked for errors and omissions for which they are not responsible, steps are being taken to protect the Indian magistracy from intimidation and to lighten, as far as may be, the pressure, to which they are subjected?


The remarks quoted in the question are not those of the Lieutenant-Governor, but of the Inspector-General of Police. The measures taken to obviate delays include inspection of courts and examination of records by superior judicial officers, when defects of procedure are pointed out, and the publication of reports such as this for general information.