HC Deb 01 November 1909 vol 12 cc1439-40

asked, in view of the outbreak of typhoid fever in the townships of Borve and Lower Shader, island of Lewis, which continued from January to June last, and is attributable by the medical officer to the insanitary condition of the townships, whether arrangements have yet been arrived at under which sites may be secured in suitable positions, especially bearing in mind that Dr. Dittmar, the Medical Inspector for the Local Government Board for Scotland, in his Report published in April, 1905, strongly condemned the condition of the Lewis townships?


In this case the outbreak is attributed as to a probable cause to contamination from surface wells. Steady progress is being made by the district sanitary authority with such resources as they have at their disposal in improving the water supply.


Will the right hon. Gentleman answer that part of the question which refers to whether arrangements have been made under which sites have been secured?


That is a matter which is in the hands of the district sanitary authority.