HC Deb 20 May 1909 vol 5 cc555-6

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he has received a communication from Mr. John Fitzgibbon in reference to the purchase of the lands of Heathfield, in county Roscommon, and the subsequent sale of the same to the Congested Districts Board; whether this statement was accompanied by a letter from Messrs. Hoey and Denning, solicitors, Tullamore, setting forth the nature of this transaction; whether this statement shows that Mr. Fitzgibbon made no profit whatever on the sale, and that, in fact, his expenses in connection with the transaction were not covered by the amount paid to him for the land, and that by the time it was concluded he was out of pocket; and, if so, whether he will correct the statement previously made that Mr. Fitzgibbon made a profit upon the transaction?


I have received a letter from Mr. Fitzgibbon enclosing one from his solicitors, Messrs. Hoey and Denning, from which it appears that Mr. Fitzgibbon did not even make the moderate profit mentioned in my reply to the question asked by the hon. Member for Mid-Armagh on the 3rd instant. On the contrary he lost on the transaction, the small difference of some £430 between the price he received and his expenditure on the purchase of the lands, and the redemption of the annuity having boon far more than swallowed up by fees, costs, and incidental expenses which were not referred to in my previous answer. I regret that that answer should have conveyed a false impression, and I am glad to have an opportunity of correcting it.


Does the account to which the right hon. Gentleman refers give credit for profits received by Mr. Fitzgibbon for the use of the land pending the re-sale?


I have seen the account on both sides, and I am perfectly satisfied it is correct.


Will the right hon. Gentleman state whether the Congested Districts Board and their chief inspector were cognisant of every fact in connection with Mr. Fitzgibbon's action in regard to this sale, and amongst other things were they aware of the supposed receipt of profits during the period that this property was in the possession of Mr. Fitzgibbon?


It really is only fair to Mr. Fitzgibbon to say that in this transaction he acted on behalf, and as the friend of the Congested Districts Board. The sale was made through him and with his assistance, and I think it is singularly ungenerous that suggestions of this kind should be made in regard to him.